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Call 855-333-6468
Mint Financial is breaking the norms and presenting an unprecedented offer to help you secure financing for your business with our NO RATIO loan option.
Our main focus has always been to provide innovative solutions that make borrowing easier, and we’ve just upped the ante with our latest developments on NO RATIO loans.
- No Minimum Ratio on DSCR Loans: You heard it right! Mint is now offering DSCR loans without any minimum ratio requirement. This extraordinary offer is designed to help you get approved for loans, even when other lenders would have turned you down due to a low Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR).
- No Minimum Deposits: We understand that sourcing deposits can sometimes be a cumbersome process. That’s why we’ve decided to completely eliminate our minimum number of deposit requirement. This means fewer obstacles in your way to loan approval. Whether your business has 1 deposit per month or 100 deposits per month you are APPROVED!
- 50% Interest Forgiveness: Now offering up to 50% interest forgiveness on all early payoffs! This is simply the most aggressive early payment discount in the industry.
But we’re not stopping there! Are you trying to get your borrower’s DSCR over 1? If so, we have another excellent solution for you.
- Increased Loan Amounts now up to $2,000,000
- Additional Terms for maximum customization 3 Month,6 Month,9 Month,12 Month,15 Month,18 Month,24 Month,36 Month,48 Month,60 Month,120 Month
- We are now able to pay off up to 4 MCA’s
When you work with Mint, you can expect:
- A funding source that is focused on your success
- Transparency
- Experienced team
- Fast and simple funding
- Ongoing source of financing solutions
Toll-Free 855-333-6468
P.S. Don’t just take our word for it – check out our customer reviews and see for yourself why Mint Financial is the best option for small business loans.
Start your loan process now – No Hard Credit Pulls
Mint’s Quote of the Week “Work like there is someone working 24 hours a day to take it all away from you.” Mark Cuban
Call Now 855-333-6468
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We believe consulting services should be a win-win model based on results. That’s why Mint Financial Group doesn’t charge hourly fees.
Instead, we invest in the improvements we’ll create together, by taking a fee as a percentage of the increase in profits we create.
So whether it’s Mint Financial or another business consulting firm, when you’re ready to take your company from stagnation to growth, look for one that’s willing to invest in your success.[/et_bloom_locked]